Day 1 - 10DaysOfJavaScript

Day 1 - 10DaysOfJavaScript

Day 1 - 10DaysOfJavaScript

Day 1: Arithmetic Operators

  • A length and width are sent to two different functions

  • getArea must return the area of the shape dimensions sent

  • getPerimeter must return the perimeter of the shape dimensions sent

  • Complete the functions

 *   Calculate the area of a rectangle.
 *   length: The length of the rectangle.
 *   width: The width of the rectangle.
 *    Return a number denoting the rectangle's area.
function getArea(length, width) {
    let area;
    // Write your code here
    area = length * width;
    return area;

 *   Calculate the perimeter of a rectangle.
 *    length: The length of the rectangle.
 *   width: The width of the rectangle.
 *    Return a number denoting the perimeter of a rectangle.
function getPerimeter(length, width) {
    let perimeter;
    // Write your code here
    perimeter = 2 * (length + width);
    return perimeter;

Day 1: Functions

  • A integer of value n is provided

  • 1 ≤ n ≤ 10

  • Output the factorial value of n (n!, 4! = 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 24)

 * Create the function factorial here
 * Recursion: To call itself is called recursion.
function factorial(n) {
    if (n === 0) {
        return 1;
    return n * factorial(n - 1);

Day 1: Let and Const

  • A float value r is provided for the radius

  • 0 < r ≤ 100

  • Print (console.log) the area of the circle (π x r²)

  • Print (console.log) the perimeter of the circle (2πr)

  • Do not overwrite the try and catch but make sure the code still works

function main() {
    // Write your code here. Read input using 'readLine()' and print output using 'console.log()'.
    let r = readLine();
    const PI = Math.PI;
    // Print the area of the circle:
    console.log(PI * (r * r) );
    // Print the perimeter of the circle:
    console.log(2 * PI * r);

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